Thursday, August 24, 2017

Run away from the President?

Some are saying that evangelical leaders in the President's inner circle should jump ship. They say that the continued evangelical support for the President is an embarassment.  Some are saying that influential evangelicals like Jerry Falwell Jr. should completely disassociate from and utterly disavow the administration. That it is not better for them to maintain a position wherein they might, possibly, be able to offer the occasional biblically based advice to 45. That the appearance of hypocrisy resulting,  not from the mandated subjection (Rom. 13),  but from actively supporting the President is not reason enough to abandon all God-given hope of influencing him. Influence that is, after all, only available to those who have his ear.

Some are making this argument. For evangelicals to withdraw active support of the President.

I agree with them.

Run away. As fast as you can. Pray yes, participate no.

I don't believe the gospel is a social gospel. I do not think the church, corporately, should be activist on anything other than the gospel of salvation by grace through faith. However I do believe that that the church can be either silent or, even worse, on the wrong side of social issues such as racism.

Shame on Falwell Jr. (And others.)

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