Thursday, December 04, 2008

Book Meme: the Answers

Answers for the meme posted below.

  1. God said, “Jesus, I am about to claim you back and lift you up to me.”
    The Koran. (Applicable Hint: Of course that's fiction.)

  2. Twas no leechery he put thee to, but lechery, and laid thy maiden body forever in the bed of harlotry!
    The Sot-Weed Factor, by John Barth. (Applicable Hint: My favorite novel. Ever. [Ahem. Which I think is on my blogspot profile--which I now see has no link on my blog--which makes this hint worthless.])

  3. "I lost ten for passive-voice too," Maya said.
    Here, Eyeball This!, by David Heddle. (Applicable Hint: If you only buy one book this Christmas season, this is the one. Trust me.)

  4. The strength has nothing to do with how long the objects have been in each other’s presence.
    The Elegant Universe, by Brian Greene.

  5. Nevertheless, these cases are only exaggerations of the common fact that the female produces offspring of two sexes which sometimes differ from each other in a wonderful manner.
    The Origin of Species, by Chas. Darwin.

  6. The Dean pointed out that not only apples but also cherries, oranges, lemons, and limes fell to earth, and while they were about it they might as well obtain a real, man-sized government contract to cover all the varieties of fruit that grow above ground.
    A Random Walk in Science, by R. L. Weber.

  7. For example, they furnish a conservation theorem for a case in which the law of action and reaction is violated, namely when electromagnetic forces are present.
    Classical Mechanics, by H. Goldstein.

  8. The Captain smiled and shook his head.
    Thank You for Smoking, by Christopher Buckley.

  9. Is it appropriate to define a tangent line to a curve C at a point P on C as a line that has just one point in common with C?
    Calculus and Analytic Geometry, by G. B. Thomas. (Applicable Hint: Best undergraduate textbook. Ever.)

  10. You keep them dumb broads quiet.
    The Iceman Cometh, by Eugene O'Neill. (Applicable Hint: Baby it's cold outside)

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