Monday, May 07, 2007

Don't wait to be a cosmologist


The Return of a Static Universe and the End of Cosmology
Lawrence M. Krauss and Robert J. Scherrer

We demonstrate that as we extrapolate the current ΛCDM universe forward in time, all evidence of the Hubble expansion will disappear, so that observers in our "island universe" will be fundamentally incapable of determining the true nature of the universe, including the existence of the highly dominant vacuum energy, the existence of the CMB, and the primordial origin of light elements. With these pillars of the modern Big Bang gone, this epoch will mark the end of cosmology and the return of a static universe. In this sense, the coordinate system appropriate for future observers will perhaps fittingly resemble the static coordinate system in which the de Sitter universe was first presented.
Translation: in our accelerating universe, the best time to be a cosmologist is the present. From now on, entire galaxies will blink-off as the universe's expansion outraces the ability of their light to reach our telescopes.

Krauss is an atheist who hates cosmological ID—yet he is also one of the scientists most responsible for providing us with the best fine tuning problem in physics, the inexplicable but life-enabling 120 orders of magnitude too small value of the cosmological constant. (Although he calls it the worst fine tuning problem in physics.) Now he writes a paper whose abstract, at least, reads like an addendum to The Privileged Planet.

Well, if Nebuchadnezzar could be God's servant, I suppose there’s no reason the Krauss couldn’t be one as well.

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