Friday, August 01, 2003

Psalm 22 and Premillennialism

We find support for the optimism of Premillennialism in many places in the Psalms. Let us first look at Psalm 22.

Click here and Psalm 22 should open in another window, so you can follow along.

This remarkable Psalm is noted for its incredible Messianic prophesy:

Verse 1 is poignantly quoted by Christ on the cross.

Up through verse 18, we read of the torture, mocking, and humiliation that Christ will endure. This includes being taunted with "Why doesn't his God save him? (v. 8)", being pierced through the hands and feet (v. 16), and having lots cast for his clothes (v. 18).

When we reach verse 22, however, there is a not-so-subtle change. The lamentation of the suffering of Christ ends. The praise of His victory begins.

I will declare Your name to My brethren;
In the midst of the assembly I will praise You. (Ps. 22:22)

Of particular relevance, we examine verses 27-28:
27All the ends of the world
Shall remember and turn to the LORD,
And all the families of the nations
Shall worship before You.
28For the kingdom is the LORD's,
And He rules over the nations. (Ps. 22:27-28)

Here is a decree from God. Decrees from God always come to pass. There is no thwarting of God's decretive will, and God does not change his mind. This decree is not subject to negotiation. It promises that God will be victorious on earth. Not Ted Turner. Not the European Union. Not the antichrist. Not the United States of America. Not China. Not Islam.

All the families of the nations shall worship.

All the nations will be ruled over.

The great commission is not a fool's errand. It will succeed, God has so promised.

In closing, it is interesting to look at the book of Hebrews:
"I will declare Your name to My brethren; In the midst of the assembly I will sing praise to You." (Heb 2:12)
Christ quoted Ps. 22:1 on the cross. The writer of Hebrews, in the context of the coronation of Christ at the right hand of the Father, quotes Ps. 22:22. The victory phase was ushered in by the resurrection. He will continue to reign at the right hand of the Father until all His enemies have been placed under his feet (1 Cor. 15:25). He then return, His church, through His power, victorious.

We have reason to be optimistic.

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